I: The mind and the body --
A future beyond our wildest dreams --
The backster effect, free energy and the consequences --
Consciousness, eternity and universal mind --
The pineal gland and the third eye --
Thinking with the field--in the great cycles of life --
Are we living in a lucid dream? --
A precession of prophecies --
Shedding new light on the great pyramid --
"Pyramid power"--our key to the golden age? --
The source of the source field --
Energetically driven evolution --
The gravity of the source field --
What's the matter--dematerialization, teleportation and time travel --
The gravity--and levity--of the situation --
Geometry class just got much more interesting --
The Maya calendar and the gateway to intelligent infinity --
Time slips, time warps and vortex phenomena --
The galactic clock strikes the hour --