Introduction. Purpose and scope ; Conditions leading to the 2010 floods --
Methods. Computing the magnitudes of peak streamflows ; Estimating annual exceedance probabilities of peak streamflows ; Collection of high-water-mark data ; Flood-peak inundation maps ; Flood-peak water-surface profiles --
Floods of September 2010 in southern Minnesota. Magnitudes and estimated annual exceedance probabilities of peak streamflows ; Flood-peak inundation maps and water-surface profiles --
Description of flood damages and effects --
Appendix 1. High-water-mark descriptions i the communities of Faribault, Owatonna, Pine Island, and Zumbro Falls, floods of September 2010, Minnesota --
Appendix 2. Flood-peak inundation maps for selected communities, floods of September 2010, Minnesota --
Appendix 3. Flood-peak water-surface profiles for selected sites, floods of September 2010, Minnesota.